Notes to the Counselor

This edition of the pioneering merit badge takes an activity-based approach wherein Scouts will spend most of their time applying the pioneering skills they acquire. The prerequisite for this kind of approach is having all the necessary materials available, in the quantity needed, well-organized, and ready to use. Therefore, in order for operations to go smoothly, counselors should be thoroughly acquainted with requirements 3 and 9 and the prescribed materials and procedures necessary for their completion. In other words, they should be prepared to provide the grounds for Scouts to have the kind of fun that comes through experiencing a well-run presentation of Scout pioneering. 

Naturally, this mandates that those conducting this merit badge have the knowledge and skills put forth in the pamphlet’s contents. For the most part, the pamphlet is organized so the information presented follows the requirements in their given order. 

The objective of this merit badge is to have Scouts experience how the required skills are put into action, so they can rely upon them to successfully build things with ropes and poles. It is further hoped that this merit badge will give Scouts the wherewithal to use what they gain throughout their lives as well as share with their home units what they learned and experienced.

As with any good Scouting program, the three “Ps” of good Scout pioneering are Planning, Preparation, and Presentation. 

Onward and upward!